Even winter can be a time of new life. With the arrival of our newest family member, we wanted to make the winter as colorful for everyone else as it will be for us. Here are some tips for your Westchester County home that will help you to incorporate color into your backyard landscaping with lush evergreen trees and shrubs.
6 Best Boxwood Cultivars for your Yorktown Landscape Design
Boxwood is a versatile and well-loved landscaping shrub that is used for both hedging and ornamental purposes, as well as for providing an effective barrier and repellent to deer. With Yorktown, NY falling under the plant hardiness Zone 6a, we’ve selected some species of Boxwood that are perfectly matched to the area and cover a range of uses and characteristics for you to incorporate into your landscape.
Popular Design Features For Your Westchester County Landscaping
When it comes to landscaping for your Westchester County, NY home, there is no one winning formula. The creativity allowed and afforded is freeing to most people, and a well created backyard can bring forth a sense of accomplishment and tranquillity. Whatever category your backyard falls into, you can rest assure that there are finishing touches which complement both styles and of course, most important, add benefits to your daily life.