What are the Best Fruit Trees to Plant in Upstate NY?

Your Guide to the Best Fruit Trees to Plant in Upstate NY

Many fruit trees can thrive in the northeast, but what are the best fruit trees to plant in upstate NY? Any fruit tree will make a beautiful addition to even the smallest garden, and planting a small backyard orchard of your favorites offers the reward of a bountiful harvest for years to come. Some homeowners choose a fruit tree as their specimen tree - a focal point for their landscape or garden design that may be pruned to show off its lovely shape or seasonal color. 

Fruit trees range widely in hardiness and how much maintenance they require. Some are more susceptible to pests, blight, and disease. It’s critical to know which are the best fruit trees to plant in upstate NY before making the investment. 

Working with a landscape design company to choose the best fruit trees to plant in upstate NY can be the key to your success. Partnering with professionals will help you to select a tree and a location where it can thrive. Planting a fruit tree is choosing to make a long-term commitment. You want to be sure to get it right.

At Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development, Inc. we provide an expert level of knowledge to every landscaping project we design, install or maintain.

 Call (914) 739-2020 or contact us online.

Fruit trees for any yard

Imagine your landscape dotted with favorite fruit trees for their ornamental appearance and the pleasure of a homegrown harvest. 

Or picture a stand of fruit trees planted together in a backyard orchard where your children can learn about the life cycle of their favorite snacks. 

Perhaps just a single well-loved tree is what you crave, the jewel of your garden.

Considering your vision as well as how and where your trees will thrive is a big part of selecting the best fruit trees for your property. Let’s get to know a few of the favorites.

The best fruit trees to plant in upstate NY

1. Apple Trees

Hardy, cold tolerant, and likely to produce a great harvest, many varieties of apple trees are ideal for upstate NY. Nothing says fall like the crunch of an apple or the wafting scent of fresh-baked pie. 

Apple trees are one of the best fruit trees to plant in upstate NY. They are low-maintenance and don’t generally require fertilization. However, apple trees are also prone to disease and need care and tending to help them thrive.

2. Pear Trees

A fantastic pairing with an apple tree, pears are ornamental trees that produce blooms and fruit earlier in the season than apples. 

Pear is cold-tolerant and also does well in droughts and heat, though not in overly wet conditions. A great choice for a gardener trying their hand at growing a fruit tree for the first time. 

3. Plum Trees

Plums are small trees, ideal for gardens without a lot of space. They thrive in the heat of summer and produce fruit early in the season. 

While they are less prone to insect damage than apple or pear, they can be favorites of deer in the winter and need protection. Plant a cold-tolerant pear in well-drained soil.

4. Cherry Trees

Gardeners up for a challenge or who love to dote on their plants may have success with cherry trees. Choosing a cold-hardy variety is essential. A wonderful cross-pollinator, growing a cherry alongside other fruit trees like apples can help them thrive.

If your cherry tree is successful, you will enjoy a greater bounty at harvest than with any other tree, as long as you protect it from the birds.

Manzer's is your landscaping partner

Working with a landscape professional is simply the best way to choose which fruit tree is best for your landscape. Manzer’s will work closely with you to make your landscape a creative and inspiring place to spend a lot of your time.

 Call (914) 739-2020 or contact us online.

Photo by Fumiaki Hayashi on Unsplash