The Consequences of Improper Snow Management in Somers, NY

The Consequences of Improper Snow Management in Somers NY

Poor snow removal can wreak havoc on a landscape in ways that can be evident immediately or turn into an unwelcome surprise with the arrival of spring. Here are the consequences of improper snow management in Somers, NY, so you can take preventive measures to ensure a safe and beautiful landscape year round.


1. Snow In All the Wrong Places

Any snow that originates on your property has to stay on your property, meaning that snow from your driveway must be deposited in your front yard or on another part of your property, if it is not removed outright. It is illegal to dump snow on a public roadway, and even if snow pushed onto a roadway doesn’t cause a traffic hazard, piles of snow can reduce visibility and accessibility, and may cause drainage problems as the snow melts.

The challenge with snow that is left on the property is that it can damage landscaping and suffocate turf grasses. Once the snow begins to melt, that water can pool back onto the driveway or walkway where it can re-freeze and cause serious safety hazards. Melting snow can also overwhelm municipal storm drains. The worst case scenario is that snowmelt will flow toward the foundation and cause damage.

The best solution to avoiding any issues concerning where to put snow is to have it removed rather than simply pushed off the driveway or walkway. 

2. Landscape Damage

Damage to the landscape is a common consequence of improper snow management. Shrubs and gardens along the driveway can be easily damaged by plows. Snow pushed off the driveway onto the landscape can lead to broken branches or uprooted shrubs since plowed snow is much heavier than fallen snow (as it is compacted during plowing), and its weight may be too much for any adjacent shrubs or hedges to bear. Retaining walls, pillars, or landscape lighting fixtures also often fall victim to poor plowing practices. 

A snow plow driver can’t be expected to see what’s under a heavy snowfall. However, a snow management company should conduct a site visit to clearly mark the areas where snow removal needs to occur to avoid damage to the adjacent landscape. Snow removal (physically removing snow from the premises) will prevent unsightly and damaging piles of snow that can damage a landscape. 

3. Hardscape Damage

Hardscape damage can also occur as a result of poor snow management. Any snow or ice that is left on a hardscape will undergo the freeze-thaw cycle. On solid surfaces like asphalt or concrete, this will eventually cause cracking, heaving, and chipping, which means costly repairs or replacement. Paver driveways and walkways are less susceptible to the freeze-thaw cycle, but they can be scratched by snow plows and permanently stained or etched by deicing chemicals. 

Snow plowing should be done at the lowest possible plow setting that will get the job done without damaging the surface. A reputable snow removal service will work with you to ensure that plow and snowblower blades are set at the correct height. Also, they will ensure that if you have concrete or natural stone pavers, that the blades are protected by silicone or rubber blade guards. Also, they will only use deicers that are suitable for the hardscape surface.

Our snow management professionals treat your property as if it were their own. We are snow removal specialists who take pride in exceptional customer service. Schedule this season’s snow removal today to preserve your landscape’s beauty and safety.